Tuesday, September 16, 2014

The milder the label, the more potent the poison.

Being raised in the world vs. Being raised in Christ

Reaching out to others to teach them about the Bible and the grace of the Lord is what we are called to do as Christians. Since college is such a huge transition time for young people, it is important we try and teach about the good news of the gospel. College is the time that one’s way of life becomes molded into how it will be carried out when college has ended. Beliefs are solidified or pushed to the side, friendships are formed and some are broken, and sometimes relationships bloom.

Some topics are just placed on my heart and the following has been on my mind for a while. There is a generation of youth forming that has no regard towards the Lord and His faithfulness. Either the parents didn’t do the teaching or the young people just don’t want to listen. Their hearts haven’t been stirred with passion for the Lord. But it only takes one generation, one person to another, to show God’s mercy to them and change their life. God is hope and God is peace, among love, and grace, and so many other wonderful things. We can be the generation to teach the younger generation about God and what pursuing to live like Christ looks like. We are both the younger person and the older person. We learn from our elders, and then turn around and teach the youth. We need to be deliberate in teaching the youth about God and this is what we hope to do. “Don’t let anyone think less of you because you are young. Be an example to all believers in what you say, in the way you live, in your love, your faith, and your purity” (1 Timothy 4:12).

Recently, I went to a Hillsong Worship concert with Austin. We got the luxury of listening to the powerful speaker Christine Caine. The following analogy was one of the many intriguing and truthful statements she made: “If I take a bottle of poison, rip off the label and put a new label on it that said chocolate syrup and put it in the fridge, you would think I am crazy.” But isn’t this exactly what the world has done? More specifically, isn’t this what the world has shown our youth and young adults? Sin that is deathly for our eternally fate seems to be the “fun” thing to do now. Poison has become tasteful chocolate syrup, or so that’s what the society says.

This took me back to a few weeks ago, when Austin and I were in line for a ride at Kings Island. There was a group of teens, probably freshman in high school, directly behind us talking about things that they shouldn’t even know about in detail, let alone be experiencing. They were talking about sex, having sex with this girl or that girl, and how to make sure she didn’t end up pregnant (I’ll put this in clean words). It literally broke my heart. It hurt my soul to know this is how they’ve grown up and that they see this as a normal act. But is it their fault, or our society?! “Sex is so in our face, and such a common thing, that we are slowly becoming more and more numb to it” (Ackerman). Society and technology, specifically social media, have completely distorted the minds of the youth. Instead of being seen as human beings, women have become commodities and tools for profits.

Looking back at the situation, both of us were just blown away, and wish we could have done something to change their ways or bring Jesus into their lives. It’s so hard when others cannot see Christ’s love or His amazing plan for their lives.

I am so thankful that I was raised in the church and have been grounded in good morals. I decided at a young age that I would stay pure until my wedding night. Not only do I want a white wedding, but it’s in God’s plan for us to live this way. We worship God with our bodies because our bodies are His temple. “Don’t you realize that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, who lives in you and was given to you by God? You do not belong to yourself, for God bought you with a high price. So you must honor God with your body” (1 Corinthians 6:19-20). Just as I have vowed to stay pure, I have also never consumed alcohol because I am not 21 and it just doesn’t really interest me. On several occasions, when people find out these two things about me, their response is something like, “Wow, that is so awesome. I wish I could do that.” or “I wish I hadn’t started drinking when I did.” I never know how to reply to these because I don’t think of these things as feats; it’s just how I have decided to live out my life. The amazing thing about our Lord is that even if you’ve crossed the line with sexual boundaries or made mistakes, Jesus died on a cross for our redemption from our sins. “Wash me clean from my guilt. Purify me from my sin” (Psalms 51:2). Even if you have started you don’t have to continue. There is freedom in forgiveness and life abundant in the Lord.

The world has shown us that sex is for our own pleasure without regard to the other person or our future spouse. God shows us that sex is designed in the context of marriage, uniting a husband and a wife.
·         “Drink water from your own well—
    share your love only with your wife.
Why spill the water of your springs in the streets,
    having sex with just anyone?
You should reserve it for yourselves.
    Never share it with strangers.” -Proverbs 5:15-17
·         “Run from anything that stimulates youthful lusts. Instead, pursue righteous living, faithfulness, love, and peace. Enjoy the companionship of those who call on the Lord with pure hearts.” - 2 Timothy 2:22

How many of us would love to own the rarest of cars? Virginity should be owned in the same light. Imagine owning a polished pearl necklace with no blemishes. Each time we cross the border of engaging in sexual behavior, we are losing a pearl because we are giving it away to the other person. If we choose the vocation of marriage, how many pearls will be left? God wants it to be the same blemish free and full necklace you started with. He can restore your pearl necklace back to its original state by His grace if you have given some pearls away. God is good and gracious. He loves you so very much and wants you to accept His grace that He freely gives. You don’t have to earn it; you just have to say yes to it. His arms are open wide and He is waiting for you to come to Him. Let today be the day you take the steps forward toward Him and let Him radically change your life.

The following blog has helped shape a new perspective on this topic:

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