Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Please Don't Ask About the Wedding


An adjective I never thought would describe the one thing I was looking forward to this year after struggling so much (physically and emotionally) after graduation. But, that's just another let down. 2016 has been full of them. The whys don't matter; it's a fact I now have been trying to swallow. It hurts.

It's definitely wedding season and a giant slap in the face. It's hard to be at others weddings. It's hard when people who don't know yet ask me about the wedding. Do I lie or tell the truth? I keep getting registry emails and a countdown email from Wedding Wire. I'm constantly reminded that I'm not getting married on a date that was planned 14 months in advance. I'm reminded that what was supposed to be the best year of my life so far, has been the worst year of it (which is such an understatement).

I'm not sure if any of you have gone through this same thing, but it's almost like I'm grieving the loss of a person. I'm mourning all the excitement I had for the wedding. I'm mourning all the horrible stress I went through planning a wedding while still in college, which was all for absolutely nothing.

Those that are invited to the wedding should be receiving a note stating the postponement and the new wedding date instead of an invitation. Those that have asked about the wedding before this blog, I know that you didn't mean to make me sad. I know it's just a conversation point.

Now that you know, please don't ask about the wedding. I don’t even want to talk about the new plans. It's still a fresh wound and I know that I've been battling depression because of it. Stress has caused health problems for me, and this only adds to them. It’s a never ending circle of disappointments and pain.
If my life in 2016 could be described in a bible verse it would be Proverbs 19:21. “You can make many plans, but the Lord’s purpose will prevail.”
I completely understand and trusted why job opportunities weren’t working out for me like I had planned them. I knew something better was in store.
I do not understand why this has happened. I felt 110% sure that August 13th was the God sent date to wed. I am convinced that the devil is at work in this. I feel like the devil has been attacking me since I graduated in December. I am so hurt and broken by this, and I do not think that this is what God wanted for me. I’ve lost myself. I feel as though I can’t even turn to my faith because I feel betrayed by it.
Words are hard to find to describe my feelings, but this song is spot on. Most days, especially in the past 3 months, this is how I’ve felt:
In the midst of my struggles, I’ve clung to Isaiah 66:9. “I will not cause pain without allowing something new to be born, says the Lord.” It’s almost impossible for me to trust the Lord’s plan for my life right now to be honest. One, because I don’t understand my life currently. And two, because it’s hard to see the good that has to come from this.
There’s a quote that I found on pinterest that states, “If you saw the size of the blessing coming, you would understand the magnitude of the battle you are fighting.” I know deep down that my suffering is not for nothing. Something good HAS to come from the sadness and hurt that consumes me daily.
If this is the worst thing to happen to me, then I guess life is going to be alright. But in the scheme of things currently, that doesn’t help the hurt cease. The decision was not mine, which is probably why it cuts so deep.

I’m still waiting for the Lord’s purpose to prevail in this situation and this season of struggle in my life. I hate not understanding. I hate hurting. I hate that I haven’t relied on the Lord. I hate that the devil has been attacking me. I wish I was stronger, but I’m not. I wish I was the happy Brittany that I always used to be. But right now, I can’t feel much besides hurt. I need the Lord’s healing and protection, but I don’t understand why it feels like I’m in this alone because I know I’m not. I need to pray, but I have no words.
This song has been my heart cry (

“I may never understand
That my broken heart is a part of your plan
When I try to pray
All I've got is hurt and these four words

Thy will be done
Thy will be done
Thy will be done

I know you're good
But this don't feel good right now
And I know you think
Of things I could never think about
It's hard to count it all joy
Distracted by the noise
Just trying to make sense
Of all your promises
Sometimes I gotta stop
Remember that you're God
And I am not


I know you see me
I know you hear me, Lord
Your plans are for me
Goodness you have in store
I know you hear me
I know you see me, Lord
Your plans are for me
Good news you have in store”
-Thy Will Be Done

“Underneath these broken pieces, there is a heart that never stops. When you feel your life is bleeding, there’s a heart that never stops, never stops beating. I might not know what the answer is, but I know what the answer isn’t. It can’t be that He doesn’t care or He’s non-existent. Suffering’s a problem and why many are rejecting God. But just cause you don’t know the answer, doesn’t mean there isn’t one. What if God’s plan for pain isn’t for you to skip it? We need the nightmare to appreciate not being in it. /// He gives our pain purpose, this is not in vain. We endure, enjoy, for the end joy of seeing His face. It’ll all make sense then, years of suffering made up for in an instant.” - Heart Song

Waiting for the joy that comes in the morning,



Monday, January 25, 2016

Trust in You

As most of you know that read what I write, the last time I posted anything I was struggling. Now, I’m writing again to say…..I’m still struggling. BUT, I have been able to see God’s grace and His plan throughout this season of uncertainty in my life. I recently graduated college in December of 2015 and I’m currently spending my days scrolling through job postings and applying to what I can. It’s exhausting. There are so many factors and questions that I need answers to, but they just aren’t coming as quickly as I would like. Some days the stresses and worries of not having a job to have money to pay for things like rent get the best of me and I get frustrated.
One day I was driving and heard a woman from the Proverbs 31 Ministry talking (on K-Love, I believe). She asks this simple but profound question: Are you going to let your raw emotions define you or refine you?

By this she meant that letting them define you makes you feel defeated. If you let them refine you, you find God’s grace in the situation. I can look back at so many instances in this short time since graduation that I have let my raw emotions define me. I have felt anger, defeat, and feeling that I am not good enough. I’m trying to get back to the cheerful Brittany that I once was (before my last blog post, so probably August 2015). Each week is a struggle and there’s usually always something little that gets me upset. But as of the latter, I’m seeking to let my raw emotions refine me so that I can see God working through me and my struggles.  
After I heard this on the radio, the song “First,” by Lauren Daigle came on. Recently, each time I hear this song, I just think about how true and powerful the lyrics are. I need to seek the Lord FIRST. (
Before I bring my need
I will bring my heart
Before I lift my cares
I will lift my arms
I wanna know You
I wanna find You
In every season
In every moment
Before I bring my need
I will bring my heart
And seek You
I feel as if while God is preparing me for my future, He is giving me this time to just be present with my friends. I was really bad during the school year trying to make time for friends. Whenever I would be hanging out, I would be anxious or feeling that I needed to be studying instead. I am starting to see that this part of my life is being devoted to my friends. I’ve probably talked more to my roommates this month than all of last semester. I am thankful that I do have this time to spend just with my friends, especially knowing that it may be my last chance to spend so much time with them.

 Sometimes it’s difficult to see God working through my struggles, but last night was a clear message from Him. I was catching up on my daily devotional I got from the Opfer’s for Christmas. Here are the words for January 24th, 2016:
Lord, life’s circumstances have changed for me recently. Because of all that’s happened, I feel displaced and confused. Things don’t seem to be fitting together anymore. What used to motivate me and give me vision and hope is no longer a part of what I can focus on. I feel tired and apathetic. Right now I have no purpose or goals to purpose. Please help me.
Take away my apathy and replace it with zeal for whatever You are calling me to do. Help me to get my mind off myself and center my thoughts on You, Your word, and others.
I know that zeal You offer doesn’t come from whatever limited knowledge I have regarding my purpose and goals. You can give me an infinite zeal that comes through seeking first You and Your righteousness.
Even though I don’t see the whole picture of what You have planned for me, I will love and trust You for whatever You have in store each day. Help me not to think only about myself and my needs. Instead, I want to change my focus to caring about those around me with a true Christian love -- and to put their concerns and needs above my own.
How comforting to know, Lord, that only You are the One who understands everything You have planned. Thank You for urging me to hold onto the zeal You freely give. I pray that You will provide me with a Spirit-filled drive to serve You. Once again, please help me to put You first so I may love and obey You with all my heart, soul, and mind.
Even though I don’t know Your plans for me, I will try to be patient. As I trust in You, I’m already excited about whatever lies ahead.
And here are just two paragraphs from the January 25th, 2016 passage:
God doesn’t just call us. He carefully prepares us for what He wants us to do. It’s important for us to stop and wait for further instructions from Him. It may take a few hours, days, months, or even years. Remember, Jesus patiently waited thirty years for God’s plan to be fulfilled.
It’s as important to wait and allow God to groom us for His work as it is to answer His call in the first place. As we learn to patiently listen, pray, and study the Bible, we’ll be able to serve Him in a far better way than if we were to rush out on our own.”
I was at Night of Worship when I read these and all I could think was wow, thank you Jesus. If I hadn't graduated yet, this would've just been another passage. I know this was all in God's timing. I had been having a hard time feeling God’s presence, and I know it was all on my end. I struggle in my prayer life, but I know that He has heard my cries out to Him. So many things have happened lately that I know God has had His hand on. I feel that I am so close to landing a job, but I’m still waiting patiently. I know God is preparing me and making me put all my trust in Him that He will provide for me. Some days aren’t easy, especially the longer I go without a job. But I know I will look back on this time in my life and see the purpose of it and how God was at work.
I know I need to lift Him up, especially in the storms of uncertainty.
I need to stop worrying and thinking of just myself and start focusing on loving others and loving God.
I need to replace my apathy with zeal.
I need to “Trust in You.” (
Truth is, You know what tomorrow brings
There’s not a day ahead You have not seen
So, in all things be my life and breath
I want what You want Lord and nothing less

When You don’t move the mountains I’m needing You to move
When You don’t part the waters I wish I could walk through
When You don’t give the answers as I cry out to You
I will trust, I will trust, I will trust in You!
I want to be able to look back and know I glorified the Lord even though I was struggling. I don’t only want to worship the Lord in the good times, but the bad as well. This is not easy, but it’s refreshing and humbling.  I know that He is with me and will never fail me. I’ve seen Him at work in others. I need to realize that He’s working in me too. I know the only reason I will make it out of the season of unknowns is because of Him, and for that I am so thankful.


Monday, October 5, 2015

Midnight Mind & Monday Muddle

Towards the end of August/beginning of September I was just feeling exuberantly blessed. School was about to start, I was back at BG, I got to see friends I hadn’t seen all summer, I didn’t have to drive 3 and a half hours to see Austin, and we got our engagement pictures taken. I could just feel how blessed I was and I was in awe.
My car even broke down on the day of the engagement pictures and it was the best possible time for it to happen. Crazy right? Well I got to where I needed to be on time and then the belt broke. I was safe, was able to park my car, and Austin’s family was so gracious to me by letting me borrow a vehicle. I even got my car in the shop, fixed, and back to me the next day. Many would be upset their car broke down, but I was thankful that it happened when it did. Life was good and I was excited.

Fast forward a little to now.
I’m never hungry. I eat meals and never get full. I don’t really feel any emotions. I just feel blah and I don’t even remember when I didn’t feel this way. And to me that’s scary because I’m not feeling like myself and I have no clue why.  Look at these pictures of two flowers I took. The same flowers, but obviously so different in demeanor.

This is a visual representation of my feelings right now. Before school I was the flower on the left and now I’m currently stuck being the flower on the right. I’m in a funk that I don’t know how to get out of.
I read an article talking about different chemicals and their effects on happiness. Accordingly, I need a boost of serotonin, dopamine, testosterone, oxytocin, and endorphins.
Serotonin is apparently dealing with the feeling of calmness. I would say that I’m pretty calm, even right now. The article did strike me when it said that funks can occur when we feel out of control.
A dopamine boost would apparently get rid of my blah feeling. Testosterone is the hormone for strength and capability. I’m sure I have enough oxytocin from all the hugs I get from Austin, so I’m good there. Endorphins come from the feeling of excitement.
So what am I getting at?
I don’t think I’ve been the same Brittany since school has started getting intense. I’m taking the least amount of credit hours I’ve ever had, but yet I think I’m the most stressed. I also have been working the past month and I think it is just all becoming too much.
I nap too much. Watch too much Netflix when I should be studying. I loathe Organic Chemistry.  I’m never hungry but I eat anyways and then feel bad about it, even though I know I need to have my daily meals. I’m not running like I used to. I get irritated so quickly, even at the smallest thing. I’m anxious for graduation to be here already.
WebMd said that I was depressed (but I know that’s not true).
I don’t think I handle or even recognize stress in myself the way others do. I don’t “feel” stressed, but I know something has changed. I don’t really feel anything besides blah. I don’t know how to describe it and I’ve never felt blah this long.
But I think I’m figuring out why.
I’ve been a student for the past 17 years (I think it’s that long) and when December 19th comes, who I was for so many years is not anymore. I will no longer be a student. I will be a graduate. A graduate with no clue of her future. I’ve always known the next step in my life and for the first time in 21 years, I’m clueless. Sure, I have some thoughts. But no concrete proof. From once I graduate until August 2016 my life is a mystery to me.
I don’t really feel worried so much, but maybe that’s because right now I don’t really feel any emotion. I’ve just been waiting to wake up one day feeling as blessed as I was at the beginning of August.
I knew this time in my life would come, the waiting game of uncertainty. It’s just weird being on this side of it and not being the one who’s being supportive of the person feeling these ways. It’s so hard to be comforted with the same advice you once gave, even though you know it was as true then as it is today.
So this is where faith and trusting the Lord come into play. Maybe this is my time to wait and wait….patiently. I’ve learned a lot of patience throughout college and this could be my test to see how much I listened.
How do I respond to this season of uncertainty? In worry? Or in praise of the One who knows my future? Letting doubts flood my mind? Or keeping my eyes on the Heavenly Father?
I feel in a way this is Satan tempting me. Telling me that I’m not smart enough to find a job. That I’m never going to be qualified enough to get an interview. But I choose NOT to believe those lies.
I KNOW that in God’s timing, I’ll be where He wants me doing what He had planned for my life before I was even born! My identity is rooted in Christ, and I know that He will get me through.
Will this be easy? No. Will I still feel down? Yes, I’m currently still in this weird feeling funk. But will I let any of that cause my faith to waiver? Absolutely not.
Deep in my heart, I know everything is going to work out. God promised to us that we shouldn’t worry because His plans are best for us. I need to give any doubts to the Lord and constantly remind myself of that truth. I need to tell the Devil to go back to Hell and let me love Jesus and trust the plans that I know the Lord has for me. I will wait for those Heavenly plans to become an earthly reality because I know they have to be amazing, because that’s who God is; amazing.
I recently went hiking with my good friend Shirley at Cuyahoga Valley National Park. That’s where these pictures came from. I was reminded of the beauty in the simplicity of spending time with nature. It was peaceful. The waterfalls were calming. I had the idea to take the pictures below.
The first one represents me and the second represents God.
The first picture is focused on the beginning of the circle, not really knowing what’s coming next. The future isn’t in focus. All I can see is the present and the rest is hazy. That’s me right now.
The second picture is the same as the first, except it’s visible all the way through. This is God. He can see my future. He knows what’s next. But He can also see where I am right now.

Where I am right now is exactly where He wants me to be. If I could already see what my future has in store, I wouldn’t be able to enjoy the present. Maybe He’s telling me to slow down, stop wishing it was December 19th, and enjoy my last semester of classes and being with friends and loved ones.

I’m not really sure yet if writing this blog has helped me, but I’m hoping it will. And I’m hoping that out there at least one of you can relate or even slightly understand what I’m talking about and that this in a way can help you. I know that I’m not alone in my feelings, and either are you. Also, you are loved and you are worth the plans that God could be having you wait for as well.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

How Bad Do You Want It?

We once heard a story about a young man who wanted to find Jesus and strengthen his faith. He had been through a lot, including temptations again and again. He approached a pastor telling him his story and aspirations of wanting to change his ways for the Lord. The pastor, busy at the time and not able to hear his entire story, told the man to meet him at the beach the following day. The next morning, the young man showed up at the beach in a suit and he approached the pastor. The pastor grabbed the young man’s hand and said, “How bad do you wanna strengthen your faith and find God?” He said, “Real bad.” The pastor said, “Walk on out in the water.” When the man walked out into the water, he went waist deep and at this point was thinking that the pastor was crazy (all the young man was trying to do was strengthen his faith, not become a lifeguard). So the pastor, standing in the water himself, told the man to walk on out a little further. The young man, still unsure of what was going on, walked out until the water was just over his shoulder. The pastor again told the man to walk on out a little further. As the water level approached the young man’s mouth, he was thinking of going back to shore & that this pastor was out of his mind. So the pastor said, “I thought you wanted to strengthen your faith?” He said, “I do.” The pastor yet again said, “Then walk out a little further.” As the man moved forward, the pastor dropped the man’s head down, and held him down, all while the man was flailing trying to catch his breath. Just before the man was about to pass out, the pastor raised him up. He told the man, “This society (more particularly, the devil) is going to drag you down and use everything in its power to keep you down and distract you from Christ and refrain you from pursuing a life of faith. Just as I held you down until you couldn’t breathe, the devil will try to do the same with a number of different tactics. The longer you pursue Christ and a life of faith, the more you are defeating the devil, and making him move on to weaker victims. Your first step is to commit yourself to Him. If you seek Him, you will find Him. He is waiting for you with open arms. One thing is certain: you will not regret it!”

“I was wondering and I was wandering
So down and out, I was lost not found
History said, oh someone said, that you could never exist
But then a whisper, the start of a kiss
Came to me in all of a sudden like a dream, a fantasy
That day didn’t feel quite real
You took a half dead soul and You made me believe
I believe, I believe, I believe, I believe, I believe”
-For King & Country (To The Dreamers)

The young man was so caught up in the world and society that he was so passive on God’s glory and the possibilities of what God could bring into his life. He never wanted Christ in his life until his life wasn’t progressing the way he wanted it to. The pastor was trying to make him realize that finding Jesus isn’t a one-day matter. It’s a lifelong commitment, until one day we reunite with Him in Heaven. It has the ability to transform and elevate our lives to something far greater than we could ever imagine! We’ve got to pursue and seek Him just as He does the same with us! In doing so, the devil becomes irrelevant and Our Savior and Lord Jesus Christ becomes everything. Jesus is waiting with His arms wide open (as evidenced by his sacrifice on the cross); all you have to do is say yes, and commit yourself to his calling.

A lot of people say they want to find Jesus or create a life of strong faith, but they don’t want it bad, they just kind of want it. They may go to Mass or Church on Sunday’s, but they go through the motions, not really paying attention. They go just so that it ‘looks good on their part’ or for some other reason. We live in a world, where Mass or going to Church is portrayed as “boring”, and the devil tempts us into thinking that sleeping in is the better option on the weekend. But if we truly understand the beauty of the Mass, or going to Church and what it portrays, I think we might see it in a different light. We would realize the beauty of God and just how magnificent and powerful being in His presence can be. Just imagine going to Mass or service on Sunday, and Jesus standing at the altar, in front of those praising Him. Would you be the one He points out as a slacker? Jesus gave us His life. The least we can do is worship Him with all that we have and be the light of Christ to everyone we meet (Matthew 5:16).

We were recently reminded of this while attending a Casting Crowns concert in which lead singer and Youth Pastor Mark Hall talked about the meaning behind their band’s logo.

Mark had taken his youth group on a mission trip to Geneva, Alabama. During the trip, they approached the largest and widest tree in the state, the Constitution Oak. The entire group was blown away by the astounding structure, due to its massive branches and wide base. Mark was informed by an old man that the tree will be in that spot forever, and that there was just as much going on beneath the surface as above. Mark noted that this is exactly how our faith should be. Many people are either rooted down in the word (think they know everything), or always do good just to be noticed, while doing nothing to pursue the word. You can never do enough good to make God love you anymore. Even though we don’t see the roots in the tree, they are just as important to the structure of the tree (it’s what keeps the tree in its place). Similarly, as Christians, we want to be rooted in the Word and in outwardly sharing His love.

Meaning for Us
Meaning for Tree
The Word
The Roots
Expression of the growth of the foundation
Christ like actions and teaching of Christ’s love
The Branches, Sturdiness, and Leaves

The Constitution Oak.

If a tree doesn’t have a strong foundation (roots), it’s not going to be healthy, grow, or last. Likewise, if our faith isn’t rooted in the Word, we will be more susceptible to society and won’t be able to share our authentic faith because the branches of our tree won’t be healthy, grow, or last.

“We know we were made for so much more
Than ordinary lives
It's time for us to more than just survive
We were made to thrive”

Casting Crowns (Thrive)


Tuesday, September 16, 2014

The milder the label, the more potent the poison.

Being raised in the world vs. Being raised in Christ

Reaching out to others to teach them about the Bible and the grace of the Lord is what we are called to do as Christians. Since college is such a huge transition time for young people, it is important we try and teach about the good news of the gospel. College is the time that one’s way of life becomes molded into how it will be carried out when college has ended. Beliefs are solidified or pushed to the side, friendships are formed and some are broken, and sometimes relationships bloom.

Some topics are just placed on my heart and the following has been on my mind for a while. There is a generation of youth forming that has no regard towards the Lord and His faithfulness. Either the parents didn’t do the teaching or the young people just don’t want to listen. Their hearts haven’t been stirred with passion for the Lord. But it only takes one generation, one person to another, to show God’s mercy to them and change their life. God is hope and God is peace, among love, and grace, and so many other wonderful things. We can be the generation to teach the younger generation about God and what pursuing to live like Christ looks like. We are both the younger person and the older person. We learn from our elders, and then turn around and teach the youth. We need to be deliberate in teaching the youth about God and this is what we hope to do. “Don’t let anyone think less of you because you are young. Be an example to all believers in what you say, in the way you live, in your love, your faith, and your purity” (1 Timothy 4:12).

Recently, I went to a Hillsong Worship concert with Austin. We got the luxury of listening to the powerful speaker Christine Caine. The following analogy was one of the many intriguing and truthful statements she made: “If I take a bottle of poison, rip off the label and put a new label on it that said chocolate syrup and put it in the fridge, you would think I am crazy.” But isn’t this exactly what the world has done? More specifically, isn’t this what the world has shown our youth and young adults? Sin that is deathly for our eternally fate seems to be the “fun” thing to do now. Poison has become tasteful chocolate syrup, or so that’s what the society says.

This took me back to a few weeks ago, when Austin and I were in line for a ride at Kings Island. There was a group of teens, probably freshman in high school, directly behind us talking about things that they shouldn’t even know about in detail, let alone be experiencing. They were talking about sex, having sex with this girl or that girl, and how to make sure she didn’t end up pregnant (I’ll put this in clean words). It literally broke my heart. It hurt my soul to know this is how they’ve grown up and that they see this as a normal act. But is it their fault, or our society?! “Sex is so in our face, and such a common thing, that we are slowly becoming more and more numb to it” (Ackerman). Society and technology, specifically social media, have completely distorted the minds of the youth. Instead of being seen as human beings, women have become commodities and tools for profits.

Looking back at the situation, both of us were just blown away, and wish we could have done something to change their ways or bring Jesus into their lives. It’s so hard when others cannot see Christ’s love or His amazing plan for their lives.

I am so thankful that I was raised in the church and have been grounded in good morals. I decided at a young age that I would stay pure until my wedding night. Not only do I want a white wedding, but it’s in God’s plan for us to live this way. We worship God with our bodies because our bodies are His temple. “Don’t you realize that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, who lives in you and was given to you by God? You do not belong to yourself, for God bought you with a high price. So you must honor God with your body” (1 Corinthians 6:19-20). Just as I have vowed to stay pure, I have also never consumed alcohol because I am not 21 and it just doesn’t really interest me. On several occasions, when people find out these two things about me, their response is something like, “Wow, that is so awesome. I wish I could do that.” or “I wish I hadn’t started drinking when I did.” I never know how to reply to these because I don’t think of these things as feats; it’s just how I have decided to live out my life. The amazing thing about our Lord is that even if you’ve crossed the line with sexual boundaries or made mistakes, Jesus died on a cross for our redemption from our sins. “Wash me clean from my guilt. Purify me from my sin” (Psalms 51:2). Even if you have started you don’t have to continue. There is freedom in forgiveness and life abundant in the Lord.

The world has shown us that sex is for our own pleasure without regard to the other person or our future spouse. God shows us that sex is designed in the context of marriage, uniting a husband and a wife.
·         “Drink water from your own well—
    share your love only with your wife.
Why spill the water of your springs in the streets,
    having sex with just anyone?
You should reserve it for yourselves.
    Never share it with strangers.” -Proverbs 5:15-17
·         “Run from anything that stimulates youthful lusts. Instead, pursue righteous living, faithfulness, love, and peace. Enjoy the companionship of those who call on the Lord with pure hearts.” - 2 Timothy 2:22

How many of us would love to own the rarest of cars? Virginity should be owned in the same light. Imagine owning a polished pearl necklace with no blemishes. Each time we cross the border of engaging in sexual behavior, we are losing a pearl because we are giving it away to the other person. If we choose the vocation of marriage, how many pearls will be left? God wants it to be the same blemish free and full necklace you started with. He can restore your pearl necklace back to its original state by His grace if you have given some pearls away. God is good and gracious. He loves you so very much and wants you to accept His grace that He freely gives. You don’t have to earn it; you just have to say yes to it. His arms are open wide and He is waiting for you to come to Him. Let today be the day you take the steps forward toward Him and let Him radically change your life.

The following blog has helped shape a new perspective on this topic: